
Ordering re-targeted ClosTron plasmids from ATUM

Ordering re-targeted ClosTron plasmids from ATUM is very easy, but to ensure that there are no mistakes, please follow these instructions carefully:

  1. Open the ATUM website

  2. Click on the ‘Place an Order’ form

  3. Complete the form as follows:

    Sequence type: DNA
    Sequence title (optional): Enter the name of your target, such as “Cdi-geneA-123s”
    Upload sequence file...: DO NOT USE
    Or Paste/type sequence...: Enter your 353 bp intron targeting region from the design tool results
    Additional 5' sequence (optional): LEAVE BLANK
    Additional 3' sequence (optional): LEAVE BLANK
    Optimize sequence: Make as ordered
    Select Order Preference: Regular gene synthesis (DNA-2-Go™)
    Vector choice: Custom cloning
    Other Requests: LEAVE BLANK
    Notes: Enter “ClosTron” followed by your choice of ClosTron plasmid, such as “pMTL007C-E2”

  4. Click ‘Add This Item To Cart’

  5. Continue to enter payment and delivery details, and complete the order

If your name is not on the MTA between your institution and The University of Nottingham (see the legal stuff section) then when ordering please note the name of your group leader, or the name of whoever at your institution signed the MTA.